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My story of the BERGMANN
Education Institute

I came to Germany when I was 18 years old to study. My first challenge was to learn the German language, which I did by attending intensive German courses at a language school. At first, I faced difficulties with grammar rules, vocabulary, and pronunciation. After a year, I enrolled at the Free University of Berlin to study Political Science. This was a challenging experience but ultimately very rewarding.


Bit by bit, I began to love the German language. Helping foreign students to learn German became my new hobby. I started teaching German and sharing my experiences with fellow students. After graduating, I got a job as the director of a language school in Hanover. Finally, in 2017, I was able to turn my passion into my profession by founding the BERGMANN Education Institute.


Together with a team of experienced teachers and lecturers, we have developed a variety of effective methods to support everyone’s individual learning style. If you want to learn German in a supportive and successful environment, then the BERGMANN Education Institute is the right place for you! Join us and discover how enjoyable and successful learning German can be!


Dustin Bergmann

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Das BERGMANN Bildungsinstitut ist ein gemäß § 178 SGB III und der Akkreditierungs- und Zulassungsverordnung Arbeitsförderung zugelassener Bildungsträger.

Адрес : Отто-Бреннер-штрассе, 7.

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